Head of RSO MFA sent invitation letters to ambassadors of Western States

ср, 02/04/2008 - 15:33

In connection with increased tension over the Republic of South Ossetia and committed by Georgian side acts of terrorism at the territory of Republic, RSO MFA by order of the President of RSO Eduard Kokoity sent invitation letters to accredited in Georgia ambassadors.
RSO MFA Head Murat Djioev stressed that «we figure on that here they could directly from the Head of Republic knew about the position of our State in the case of Georgian-Ossetian relations settlement as well as with the last initiatives proposed by the President of RSO. Appropriate letters were sent through the OSCE mission. As we have known, this question has been discussed at the meeting of ambassadors with the Head of OSCE mission to Georgia Terhi Khakala. Tomorrow, on 2 April there will be a meeting of RSO MFA representatives with the Head of OSCE Mission to Georgia and we are sure that the familiarization visit of ambassadors will take place. We attach a great significance to this visit: it is essential Western States representatives make sure that Georgian side is intensively aggravate the situation in the conflict zone, what is fraught with grave consequences. South Ossetian side believes that representatives of Western States could influent in this matter on Georgian government».

Press service
of JCC South-Ossetian part
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