In connection with deterioration of situation over South Ossetia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO M. Djioev

ср, 02/04/2008 - 15:57

In connection with deterioration of situation over South Ossetia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO M. K. Djioev directed letters to EC Secretary General Terry Davis, OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ilkka Kanerva, Permanent Representative of Russian Federation in UN Vitaly Churkin, Russian Federation Representative in NATO Dmitry Rogozin. Here attached the letter directed to EC Secretary General T. Davis

«Your Excellency,
Presenting my high confidence to You, I consider it strongly essential to draw Your attention again to serious exacerbation of the relations between Georgia and the Republic of South Ossetia since 1989 having been in the state of unregulated conflict, to the continuing escalation of tension in the region having come to the breaking point and to nascent menace of military actions.
This dangerous situation rouses our extreme concern, caused by the policy of terrorism against the Republic of South Ossetia and its citizens irresponsibly and systematically conducted by the government of Georgia at the backdrop of its demonstrative refusal from the continuation of political dialog with South Ossetia and de facto withdrawal of Georgian side from the international format of peaceful conflict settlement.
Last events in South Ossetia clearly witnessing of the policy of state terrorism from Georgian side continue the chain of grave crimes committed by Georgian special services and armed formations which presence in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict violate achieved earlier agreements and inadmissibly aggravating already tense situation.
Since 2004 about 50 people in South Ossetia become victims of such a policy which is including terrorist acts, bombardment of the town blocks and posts of the law enforcement organs, diversions and armed provocations. Among the victims are not only members of power structures and military servicemen but peaceful inhabitants as well. Dozens of people were wounded and maimed. Only for last month in South Ossetia have been committed three preplanned in Georgia acts of terrorism which took the lives of three Ossetians, five were badly wounded and about twenty more suffered minor damages. Only on 31 March this year Georgian detachments once again bombarded Ossetian militia post from the adjoining Georgian territory.
Georgian side combines such actions with complete blockage of transport communications, connecting Tskhinval with several districts of South Ossetia and their inhabitants are deprived not only of security guarantees but also of necessary foodstuffs, medicines and medical assistance.
Present Georgian authorities, beyond any doubt, are interested in destabilization of situation expressed in obtrusive intension to provoke South Ossetia to an adequate resistance and involve it into another armed conflict on the eve of the consideration of possible joining of Georgia to NATO.
No doubt that in case of affirmative reply Georgia as the main source of threats in the region will try to engage NATO resources in solving their own problems including territorial ones to share responsibility for the possible scaled destabilization at the Caucasus with other Alliance Member States.
With deep concern we have to state an oppressive indifference to above-stated from the side of the international community which declares its adherence to observation of human rights and democracy and justice principles.
Your Excellency, the developed situation urgently needs interference of authoritative institutions and structures of democratic international community, interested in preservation of stability in the region to urge Georgian authorities to an adequate perception of reality, cessation of further aggravation of situation in the region and resuming of civilized political dialog on Georgian-Ossetian contradictions settlement».

RSO MFA press-bureau
1 April 2008
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