Georgian authorities are planning to enter civil population in provocative actions

чт, 24/04/2008 - 17:26

Aiming at further escalation of tension in the conflict zone the Georgian side intends to organize mass action with involvement of local population at the Georgian administrative villages. It was informed to IA «Res» correspondent at RSO MIA press-service.
«Apart from the increasing of number of the armed structures detachments at RSO borders, Georgian authorities are planning to organize so called «peace marches» with involving of NGOs and the population of Georgian-inhabited villages of South Ossetia, temporarily uncontrolled by the RSO authorities. The purpose of these actions is to feign a disunity of South Ossetian society and to provoke Ossetian side to an adequate reaction, to give occasion for entering Georgian troops. RSO MIA has information that such actions are planned to be conducted in near future in Kurta and Tamarasheny villages. For lighting these «performances» a large number of Georgian and foreign journalists will be invited»-informed in press service. It was also mentioned that the «RSO of law-enforcement organs personnel is informed of planned actions and are instructed to keep cool and not to fall under provocations».

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