South Ossetian delegation will participate hearings at Europarliament

пн, 12/05/2008 - 16:48

The delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia leaves today for Brussels to participate Europarliament hearings on the situation over RSO. The delegation is headed by the South Ossetia’s Plenipotentiary representative to Russia Dmitry Medoev. The delegation composes of youth organisations representatives and political blocks.
As IA «Res» correspondent was informed by the member of South Ossetian delegation Alexey Sanakoev, Europarliament deputees will be acquainted with the backgrounds of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and the situation in negotiating process, as well as with the last events in RSO. «European Parliament plans to discuss a number of significant issues of the political history of South Ossetia. Particularly the delegation will answer the questions pertaining to stand of the Government and people of South Ossetia and the path of independent development, history of Georgian-Ossetian conflict and a wide range of questions connected with the last events in South Ossetia»-informed by phone from Moscow Sanakoev.
It is worth noting that the delegation went to Brussels by the invitation of the Europarliament socialist party group.

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