RSO President Fduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Heads of Ministries and departments

пн, 19/05/2008 - 14:01

Today the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Heads of Ministries and departments. The questions of internal policy and realization of main State administrative and economic projects have been discussed. During the conference the President focused on the Government’s work on control for accepted decisions and implementation of the President’s instructions.
«It is essential for the Government to enhance mutual work with the Parliament and to elaborate more principal approach to the issues of accepted decisions fulfillment».
The Head of State paid special attention to the problem of water supply of Tskhinval and suburbs. Eduard Kokoity charged the Prime Minister Yuri Morozov to control personally all the questions pertaining to Tskhinval water supply. Eduard Kokoity also emphasized need for artesian wells at the Tskhinval territory. «The importance of availability of local water sources at the town territory is significant, for there is high probability of provocations from the Georgian side aimed at the deterioration of humanitarian situation in RSO».
In the course of the meeting there were also discussed questions pertaining to ongoing work of the Republic government and the issues of administrative and legal character.

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