Irina Kadjaeva: «Police regime cannot take liberalism»

пт, 23/05/2008 - 15:48

IA «Res» correspondent turned to political scientist Irina Kadjaeva for the commentary in connection with the Parliamentary elections held in Georgia.
«Mikhail Saakashvili brought to Georgia plain police regime. Jural state is bound by law and power functions are fulfilled within the legal framework. The priority of a police state is an illegal form and under different circumstances already rickety juridical procedures are thrown away. A Parliamentary election in Georgia is another evidence for this. According to information of Georgian opposition the elections, especially in the regions were held under the tough control of special services and police. The leader of opposition block David Gamkrelidze stated the history of Georgia never saw such criminal, connected with violence elections. The police regime cannot take liberalism. The «United opposition» leaders statements that «the authorities will face unrest» in response to total falsification are unreal. In Georgia was created effectively working powerful repressive system-indispensable attribute of police regime. And «United Opposition» will not be supported by population, for everybody in police state is forced to mask his convictions to avoid repressions. Moreover, a powerful repressive and censorial mechanism unifies the population interests and the value system. Saakashvili’s regime propagandizes to masses rather acceptable life guiding line, such as honest diligence, decency, national pride etc., and is backed by the definite part of population.
With all this the political elite prefers another rules and standards.
Most alarming is the fact that Saakashvili’s regime notwithstanding the evident violations of democratic values is demonstratively supported by the West. What is the purpose of developing in the region of a Policeman State? What Georgia arms itself for with the aid of foreign instructors and who is the target?
Georgia may become a big trouble at the Southern Caucasus for the Western States. At the development of unfavorable for the West scenario control over Georgia may become weaker. And Police States always displayed pronounced tendency to self-isolation and hostility towards another states and cultures.
The ongoing developments in the Georgian society cannot but to be of concern to our Republic.
Georgia is our neighbor… Unfortunately, aggressive neighbor yet».

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