Eduard Kokoity: «Long fusillade of Tskhinval blocks clearly shows the real face of «Georgian democracy»

пн, 16/06/2008 - 16:19

«Yesterday’s fire attack on Tskhinval is another demonstration of Georgian side’s adherence to solely force means of Georgian-Ossetian contradictions settlement»-stated the President of the Republic of South Ossetia commenting the actions of Georgia’s armed formations who bombarded the capital of South Ossetia on the night from 14 to 15 June.
The President mentioned that lasted several hours fusillade of Tskhinval blocks clearly shows the real face of «Georgian democracy».
«South Ossetian side is in position to respond adequately at any aggressive actions of Georgia and protect its population. Moreover we have received offers of help from the North Caucasian fraternal people. Nonetheless the Republic of South Ossetia is not intended to aggravate the conflict. Once again we suggest to Georgian side to decline force application and to negotiate as two civilized nations»-said Eduard Kokoity.

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