JPKF Headquarters message

ср, 02/07/2008 - 14:18

On 30 June 2008 JPKF military observers’ team from the three sides together with the OSCE Mission representatives conducted a monitoring to investigate a report of the engineering works in the vicinity of Georgian village Zemo-Nikozi. At the northern outskirts of Zemo-Nikozi at the territory of Georgian police post the monitoring team have found the traces of engineering works made by the engineering machinery.
JPKF Headquarters are reminding the construction of fortifications and weapon emplacements by the sides is a rough violation of the earlier achieved agreements within the JCC framework.
With a view to stabilize the situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone JPKF Commandment is insisting at the immediate meeting of JCC Co-chairmen for discussion of the issues aimed at the relaxation of tension in the conflict zone.

Мой мир