Georgian power structures go on realizing the instructed plan

чт, 03/07/2008 - 16:40

«Georgian Government tasked their power structures to destabilize maximally the situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone until September. Within the framework of realization of this instruction authorities of power structures elaborated a scheme of measures which supposes an organization of number of provocative actions in the JPKF responsibility zone. In Tskhinval and the districts of Republic this plan, particularly, envisages firing of JPKF posts. Also, Georgian side will provoke exchanges of fire between South-Ossetian and Georgian positions located along the administrative RSO and RG border with the following fusillade of Tskhinval blocks. During the monitoring with JPKF and OSCE representatives participation the whole blame will be put on the South Ossetian side as the initiators of incidents and elucidated in Georgian media»-was informed IA «Res» correspondent at South Ossetian law enforcement organs.
«All these acts Georgian side will be widely covered by mass-media and the developments will be interpreted as a “settling of accounts” in South Ossetia itself. Also, Georgian special services are planning the fulfillment of another diversion and terrorist acts at the territory of Tskhinval and the districts of Republic. The purpose of such provocations is an intention to draw the attention of the international community to the developments within Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and accuse the Russian part of JPKF in inability of their tasks fulfillment and then raise a question of peacekeeping format shifting. The Government of RSO will be represented as criminal and not controlling the situation in Republic, terrorist acts and diversions – as a result of the internal conflicts. Series of terrorist acts committed on 3 July in South Ossetian village Dmenis and at the bypass road Eredvi-Kurta is a confirmation to the fact that Georgian special services proceeded to realization of the mentioned plan. We consider it essential to prepare an announcement of RSO Government in which together with the above stated information will be indicated that all happened is another preplanned provocation of Georgia’s power structures and special services and the whole blame will be put on Georgian Government».

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