RSO political council’s sitting

вт, 08/07/2008 - 11:29

The Government of the Republic of South Ossetia will bend every effort to prevent RSO armed forces from involving in provocations of Georgian side. This was stated by the President of RSO Eduard Kokoity at the Government council.
«Our main task is to provide security to our citizens and to co-ordinate the action plan to improve the situation for keeping peace and stability in the region and convince Georgian side to negotiate»-said Eduard Kokoity.
«Unfortunately, Georgian Government still more tightens the situation around South Ossetia, that is why we have to take a decision today, co-ordinate our positions and our vision of the problem»-proceeded Eduard Kokoity.
Besides that Eduard Kokoity informed about the RSO council of war held today, were all these questions were discussed.
«I would like to assure you of our armed forces readiness to every event. Nonetheless we have to bend every effort also in the other format, to tackle the problem in other way. Our armed forces should not be involved in this provocation»-mentioned Eduard Kokity.
After the President’s speech the members of the council expressed their points of view concerning the events within the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone. They mentioned a destructive position of Georgian side which can lead to another war not only in South Ossetia, but in the whole Caucasus.
The members of political council were vocal in conviction that it is impossible to yield to provocations but the same time to create conditions to protect the citizens from Georgian aggression. In conclusion it was decided to hold mutual sitting of the political and military councils of RSO for elaboration of special measures for resolution of the situation over the Republic of South Ossetia.

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