Livestock is blown up at landmines in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone

вт, 29/07/2008 - 15:48

The mine threat is still high in the conflict zone. As it was informed to IA «Res» correspondent by the mate of JPKF commander on media issues captain Vladimir Ivanov, another cow was blown up at landmines again.
«On 28 July from 11.50 to 14.00 JPKF tripartite military observers team and OSCE Mission in concert with the servicemen from sapper department of Russian peacekeeping battalion conducted the monitoring over a cow blown up in Avnevi. In the course of engineering reconnaissance of the area by the Russian peacekeeping battalion sappers there was not found any other explosive devices»-said Ivanov. He mentioned that another fact of explosion confirms the necessity of conducting by the sides joint activities on reducing of mine risks in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone.

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