Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations goes on assisting South Ossetia peaceful life rehabilitation

вт, 09/09/2008 - 16:01

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations goes on rehabilitating of objects damaged during the Georgian aggression against the Republic of South Ossetia and providing the population with humanitarian aid. As IA «Res» correspondent was informed at Russian MES joint group in South Ossetia press service during the last day within the framework of RF MES have been delivered 221 tons of humanitarian loads including 137,5 tons of building materials.
«To date is organized delivery of 5,5 tons of food to RSO Tskhinval region schools. Also MES sappers defused 56 explosive devices»-informed at press service. Here also note that in order to stabilize the situation in Republic beginning from September 9 will be organized joint watching of MES rescue teams and RSO State Automobile Inspection.
«Such watching will be organized in Tskhinval, Upper Ruk and Java village. MES rescuers will be assisting SAI servicemen in cases of accidents and any other situations when assistance is needed»-noted at MES. Here also informed about the rehabilitation works conducting by MES.
«To date we have completed rehabilitation works at two town objects-at drugstore and first-aid station. Also restoring of Tskhinval water communications and natural gas networks is under way. Tskhinval water supply system is functioning stably; smaller water reservoir damaged during the military operation is also under rehabilitation. The availability of Tskhinval natural gas network is 92%. All in all MES prepared for connection 718 houses».

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