The IPRM meeting was visited by the OSCE Chairman Sebastian Kurz

пт, 03/02/2017 - 16:03

On the border of South Ossetia with Georgia - in the village of Ergneti is under way a meeting in the framework of the Mechanisms for preventing and responding to incidents. The meeting is also attended by the OSCE Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz.

"It gives me great pleasure to be here - Kurtz said, addressing the participants of the meeting. - Austria has taken the OSCE chairmanship on 1 January, and I want to thank you for the opportunity to meet with you here in Ergneti. "

According to Kurtz, the OSCE this year puts three priorities in its activities.

"First - we would like to struggle with radicalization and violent extremism, the second - we'd like to help restore confidence between the states - participants of the OSCE, and the third - we would like to contribute something to defuse the existing conflicts", - said Kurtz.

He has noted he would like to return to the focus of attention people's problems, provide assistance to the local population that is most affected by conflict.

Then the meeting continued behind closed doors

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