Postal services of South Ossetia and Donetsk People's Republic signed an agreement on cooperation

ср, 28/06/2017 - 17:23

Between the State Unitary Enterprise "Postal and telegraph service of the RSO" and SUE "POST OF DONBAS" has been signed an agreement on mutual cooperation in the field of postal communication. On the South Ossetian side, the agreement was signed by the General Director of SUE "Postal and Telegraph Service of the RSO "Vladimir Valiev, on the Donetsk side by the CEO of the SUE "POST of DONBASS" Denis Neudachin.
Denis Neudachin has stressed that the signing of this agreement is a historic moment.
"This is a step forward, to meet each other, and the agreement will have an impact in the course of joint fruitful work," the general director said.
In the commentary to the correspondent of IA "Res" Neudachin has noted that it has been signed a framework agreement, which implies mutual understanding on the exchange of staff's experience, information exchange and much more.
"The agreement, first of all, is aimed at mutual understanding in the postal communication between our states," the source said. - We will cooperate in the following areas: exchange of information, exchange of experience in the field of postal services, providing opportunities for professional training of specialists, and above all, the exchange of products that we have. We have many promising social products, for example, over the past year we have launched five new projects, such as "Pharmacy near", through which we deliver free medicines in connection with military operations and many others. "
"According to Neudachin, the DPR wants to share with partners, and learn from them, in turn, the fact that the Republic does not yet practice.
Also, the general director of SUE has added "POST OF DONBAS" that the fruits of cooperation will be visible after the joint work.

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