Representatives of the RSO are participating in the IV Forum of Young Diplomats in Moscow

чт, 20/07/2017 - 19:55

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with participants of the IV Forum of Young Diplomats, which will be held July 20-21 in Moscow.
"We follow the way such forums are held, the discussions are held in confidence and in an informal atmosphere, without press conferences. The most important thing is to understand each other better, to make an impression of what is the foreign policy line of partners, to learn this in order to improve oneself in the profession. Despite the closed nature of the discussions, we have the opportunity to observe how they are held, to what results they lead. Recently, this forum began to conclude with the coordination of joint documents, which directly, by the way, is connected with perfecting the methods of diplomatic work. We are actively welcoming it, "the Russian Foreign Minister.
The forum is attended by representatives of post-Soviet countries, including Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Belarus, as well as Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and South Ossetia.

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