We have preserved the Alan identity, - participant of the "Etnolager-2017" from Hungary Che Daniel

пн, 14/08/2017 - 15:26

We are proud of the fact that we belong to Alans, " has noted in the commentary of IA" Res" the participant of the summer cultural and educational course "Ethnolager-2017 ", organized within the framework of the international project "Alan Trail," Che Daniel.
"We have come from Hungary, from the territory of Yashshag, where live your brothers and sisters, who are called jászok," said Cheo Daniel. - 700-800 years ago, our ancestors began to look for a new homeland and found it on the territory of Hungary. We no longer speak our language, but we have preserved the Alan identity and are proud of it. "
The project participant has noted that the jászok are very proud that they belong to Alans.
"I am glad that I came to South Ossetia and got acquainted with the culture and traditions of this beautiful country," stressed Che Daniel. - The Alan Trail project also gave me an opportunity to learn about how Ossetians live in many countries. The project is also attended by participants from France, Turkey, Latvia, Donetsk People's Republic, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan "

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