The proceedings against Tamara Mearakishvili is the internal affair of the Republic, - Murat Dzhioev

сб, 19/08/2017 - 12:24

The proceedings conducted by the law enforcement agencies against Tamara Mearakishvili, a citizen of South Ossetia, cannot be a subject of discussion at the international level, since it is an internal matter of the Republic, "said South Ossetian Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement, Murat Djioev, in his comments to IA Res.
According to him, Georgian authorities raised hysteria around the situation with interrogation of Tamara Mearakishvili, a citizen of South Ossetia and a resident of South Ossetia.
"This is a gross interference in the internal affairs of the Republic. Those statements made by representatives of the Georgian authorities, including the so-called minister for reconciliation and civil equality, are a crude interference in the internal affairs of South Ossetia, "Dzhioev said.
He has added that Tamara Mearakishvili was summoned for interrogation by the law enforcement bodies of the Republic due to the received complaint for libel.
"To interfere in the activities of the law enforcement agencies, transferring this matter to the political and international level cannot be justified," concluded Dzhioev.

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