Georgia's hawkish rhetoric does not contribute to improving relations between our countries, Inal Pliev

пт, 25/08/2017 - 16:59

Several Georgian deputies representing the ruling party "Georgian Dream" hinted at possible involvement in an unprecedented fire in the resort Borjomi Gorge of the "saboteurs who, probably, infiltrated there from neighboring South Ossetia." This statement was spread by the newspaper Kommersant and commented on by a political observer Inal Pliev.
"For all post-Soviet history, there was no case when South Ossetia carried out terrorist acts on the territory of Georgia, while Georgia not only followed the policy of state terrorism against South Ossetia, but also openly declared such a policy, boasting about the committed on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia political murders, during which were killed civilians, including children. Sovereign South Ossetia is building its policy with Georgia exclusively on peaceful methods of persuasion and exhortation, wishing to convince it of the obvious: there is no threat to Georgia from the territory of South Ossetia, and we want good-neighborly relations, ", the political observer said.
According to him, the attitude towards ecology differs in both countries.
"During the period of Georgia's temporary occupation of part of South Ossetia, the Georgian side deliberately dumped into the Liakhva River sewage and corpses of deceased livestock," Pliev said. - Unlike Georgia, South Ossetia traditionally pays much attention to the care of the environment, care for favorable conditions of flora and fauna. In the very first days of recognition of our country's independence, began the work on planning and constructing the facilities to prevent the contamination of the Liakhva River, which flows from the territory of South Ossetia to the territory of Georgia. Georgian political thinking is difficult to understand that fish live in the river, which has nothing to do with politics, as well as animals and birds live in the forest, which are also hardly involved in it anymore. It's even funny to assume that during the acute military-political confrontation in 2004-2008, including a short-term but fierce war, on August 8-12, 2008, South Ossetia did not burn forests, and after 9 years of peaceful coexistence, it suddenly went crazy. This is an absurd lie, born in a sick brain and intended for sick brains. "
The political observer noted that "in pursuit of cheap popularity in the eyes of the authorities competing in anti-Ossetian fabrications, Georgian propagandists have forgotten that the environment is characterized by a combination of physical, chemical and biological factors directly affecting the health of a person."
"There are no stupid people in South Ossetia who do not understand that due to geographical proximity of Georgia any ecological disaster there is fraught with disastrous consequences for the nature of our country and for us. Moreover, this applies to the Borjomi area and surrounding areas, where, despite gross ethnic cleansing, thee still live a certain number of Ossetian population, "Pliev stressed.
According to him, not South Ossetia, but Georgia in the course of its aggressive, anti-Ossetian policy uses methods that harm the environment.
"An eloquent proof of this is the emergence of African swine fever in the territory of South Ossetia, and precisely in those localities - in the Znaur and Leningor regions, over which spans of unmanned aerial vehicles of Georgia were recorded," Pliev said. - Unfortunately, Georgian politicians, remaining in a captive captivity of the destructive ideas of nationalism and chauvinism, continue to harbor illusions of the return of South Ossetia instead of a realistic view of the world.As it seems to them, replicating such groundless accusations will be able to add sympathy to them, and at the same time cast a shadow on the good name of South Ossetia.
And here it would be desirable to recall the provocations of the Georgian side of the past years, when special services of Georgia organized terrorist acts on their territory and seized the first Ossetians who were caught by torture, forcing them to "confess" in these acts of terrorism. This is the traditional handwriting of Georgian politics. After the end of the Saakashvili era and the condemnation of his associates, including those implicated in these dirty deeds, the impression was created that`s done with such methods in Georgia. However, the words sounded from Tbilisi compel us to doubt this. Of course, such hawkish and, moreover, false rhetoric not only does not contribute to the improvement of the relationship between our two sovereign states, but even vice versa.

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