The 9th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with Russia was celebrated in Tskhinval

пн, 11/09/2017 - 18:05

Gala reception on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation was held in Tskhinval.
The Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic Peter Gassiev has congratulated those present on the occasion and has expressed confidence that all-round cooperation between Russia and South Ossetia will continue to be strengthened and developed in the interests of the peoples of both countries.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Dmitry has stressed that the exchange of Notes between the Foreign Ministries of South Ossetia and Russia on the establishment of diplomatic relations on September 9, 2008 became the logical conclusion of the recognition of South Ossetia's independence by Russia and marked the beginning of a new era for the people of South Ossetia.
"The epoch of peace, creation, stability and development, confidence in a quiet future," said Medoev.
The minister has added that on August 26 ended the most difficult period in the recent history of South Ossetia when the RSO was officially recognized by the Russian Federation.
"The decisive factor in determining the fate of South Ossetia was the principled position of the Russian leadership and the unyielding will of the South Ossetians themselves, who managed to prove to the whole world the seriousness of their intentions during almost 30 years of struggle for freedom and independence," Medoev continued.
He has noted that every year on August 8, South Ossetia marks the mournful date of the treacherous attack of the troops of the criminal regime of Saakashvili.
"Undoubtedly, this event will remain in the memory of our people as the most tragic page of our history," the minister said. - August 2008 is an example of courage and heroism of the defenders of Tskhinval. "
Medoev drew attention to the fact that Ossetian-Russian relations had passed through difficult times.
"Any changes, the vicissitudes of history could not destroy the basis and strong ties that were laid by our ancestors in those far-off days. In Ossetia, they will always appreciate the decisiveness of the leadership of Russia for the vital decisions that, as Vladimir Putin stressed, were not easy, but the only right ones, "Medoev concluded.
The minister has added that South Ossetia highly appreciates all-round support and assistance of Russia, cherishes the traditions of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and peoples.
Counselor of the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia Sergei Manko has noted that the formation of diplomatic relations on September 9 between Russia and the RSO is the embodiment of the highest historical justice.
"The people of South Ossetia achieved independence at the cost of numerous victims and sufferings," Manko said.
Sergei Manko, on behalf of the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia, congratulated the diplomats and statesmen on the 9th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and South Ossetia.
Representatives of the Russian embassy in South Ossetia, Parliament and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also took part in the celebration.

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