Parliament of South Ossetia ratified treaty on friendship and cooperation with the People's Democratic Republic

вт, 24/10/2017 - 19:13

The Parliament of South Ossetia ratified the treaty on friendship and cooperation with the Donetsk People's Republic. As noted by the Speaker of the Parliament Peter Gassiev at the session of the Legislative Assembly, the ratification of the treaty is a logical continuation of the recognition of the DPR by South Ossetia.
Igor Kochiev, the head of the foreign policy committee, has added, the basic agreement between the two countries provides for military assistance.
Now, within the framework of the basic document, will be signed the interdepartmental agreements, including the Defense Ministry agreements.
The Speaker of the Parliament has noted the role of Ossetian volunteers in the defense of the republics of Donbass. Deputy Amiran Dyakonov has focused on the cooperation of nationalist regimes in Georgia and Ukraine, including in the military sphere.
"What prevents us from establishing military cooperation with the people's republics of Donbass?", - said Dyakonov.

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