Representatives of South Ossetia will celebrate the Day of National Unity in Moscow

чт, 26/10/2017 - 12:44

«The Union of Russian Citizens» and «Rossy» will take part in the V meeting of young compatriots living abroad.
Representatives of public organizations of South Ossetia will go to Moscow with the assistance of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in the Republic.
As reported to the news agency "Res" by the press service of the Rossotrudnichestvo, the youth forum, timed to the Day of National Unity, will be held from October 31 to November 4. It will be attended by100 young people from 34 countries.
The program includes business games, educational programs, participation in a procession and a rally dedicated to the Day of National Unity. In addition, representatives of youth will visit the "House of the Russian Abroad named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn." Various excursions will be organized for them ".
Young compatriots will arrive from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Turkey, South Ossetia, Australia, Belgium, Argentina, Great Britain, Israel, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Cuba, Norway, Serbia, USA, Slovenia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan and others.

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