Murat Dzhioev: NATO is not interested in strengthening stability in the Caucasus region

чт, 26/10/2017 - 13:15

The 11th Conference on Defense and Security held in Batumi was the next NATO event on the territory of Georgia.
As reported to IA "Res" by the Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement, Murat Dzhioev, although the conference was held on the territory of Georgia and almost the entire political and military leadership of this country participated in it, it was the next NATO event in the territory of Georgia aimed at strengthening the position of the alliance in this part of the world, strengthening the presence in Georgia, declaring concern for democracy and stability is part of NATO's eastern policy.
Regular joint military exercises, including heavy weapons, the opening of a joint training center, the creation of NATO infrastructure on the territory of Georgia, the political statements of NATO's high-ranking members on the situation in the region and support for the so-called territorial integrity of Georgia, contribute to strengthening Georgia's military capabilities and fomenting revanchist sentiments.
Against the backdrop of the Georgian authorities' refusal to recognize the existing realities and the signing of the document on the non-use of force against South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the persistence of aggressive rhetoric, supported by NATO and Western countries poses a serious threat to the stability and security of all the inhabitants of the region, including the people of Georgian population itself, because its interests in these military and political games are, of course, taken into account last of all.
He added that "it seems that NATO is not interested in actually strengthening stability in the Caucasus region, as encouraging the Georgian authorities' aspirations for militarization has nothing to do with creating an atmosphere of security and stability".
"It's fresh in memory, as Georgia, using military power acquired with the help of the United States, NATO and a number of Western countries, brought attacked peaceful South Ossetia in 2004 and in August 2008," Dzhioev said. - There is no doubt that the steps taken by NATO in Georgia do not promote the negotiation process in the format of the Geneva discussions, where Georgian representatives do not show readiness for work on bilateral legally binding documents on the non-use of force between Georgia and the Republic of South Ossetia, Georgia and the Republic of Abkhazia.

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