Bibilov: I do not separate the problems of Ossetia

сб, 28/10/2017 - 13:35

The delegation of South Ossetia at the Geneva discussions raised the issue of violation of the rights of the residents of the Trusov Gorge and the Kobi Basin, said Anatoly Bibilov at the 9th Congress of the Ossetian people.
According to him, the South Ossetian diplomats demanded from international organizations to react to the actions of the Georgian authorities, which prohibited residents of the Trusov Gorge and the Kobi Basin to visit their homes, sanctuaries and the graves of their ancestors.
"If they talk about democracy, about human rights, why Ossetians are not allowed to visit their villages and graves of their ancestors,"
The leader of South Ossetia has expressed gratitude to Gairbeg Salbiev for the facts that helped the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva discussions to prove the criminal actions of the Georgian authorities.
"I do not separate the problems of Ossetia. We must raise the problems of Ossetians, defend their rights, wherever they live, "said Anatoly Bibilov.
The indignation of the President of South Ossetia was also caused by other actions of the Georgian authorities that had destroyed the Ossetian cemetery in the Kareli region.
"There are Georgian cemeteries in South Ossetia, too, but we will never descend to desecrate or destroy them," Bibilov said.

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