The Head of South Ossetia on the development of integration at all levels

пн, 30/10/2017 - 15:27

We must strengthen the integration ties between the north and the south of Ossetia, "said President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov at the 9th congress of the Ossetian people.
"We have close relations with the head of North Ossetia Vyacheslav Bitarov. We regularly discuss topical issues that affect the interests of the entire Ossetian people," Bibilov said.
The President of South Ossetia also expressed his gratitude to the head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania for paying great attention to the problems of the Ossetian language and integration with South Ossetia.
"Our contacts at the level of the heads of the republic should be accompanied by the activation of integration ties at all levels, involving a variety of spheres," the president said.
Anatoly Bibilov expressed his attitude to the tours of Georgian ensembles in the north of Ossetia.
According to him, concerts of Georgian ensembles in North Ossetia are not acceptable for South Ossetia. He has stressed that to date these issues are associated with politics, despite the statements that art is outside politics.
"Show me where politics is not related to culture and sport? Why Russian athletes were not allowed to the Olympics, accusing them of using dope? It was directly linked with politics," he said.
During the meeting of the congress, the head of state has been asked in writing why there are not the South Ossetian broadcasting and periodicals in North Ossetia.
Anatoly Bibilov has noted that the work is underway on this issue and soon TV shows from South Ossetia, as well as South Ossetian newspapers, will be available in North Ossetia.

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