Peter Gassiev: the border between South and North Ossetia should become absolutely transparent

вс, 05/11/2017 - 13:29

The agreement between the parliaments of North and South Ossetia will open wide scope for integration and will be a continuation of the great political process that began after the signing of the Treaty of Alliance with Russia, said South Ossetian Parliament Speaker Peter Gassiev.
He has also stressed that the inter-parliamentary agreement will be a major achievement of Parliament of the 6th convocation..
As reported by the press service of the South Ossetian legislature, the heads of the parliaments of North and South Ossetia held a telephone conversation, during which they agreed to speed up the work on the final drafting of the agreement and reaching the signing in December 2017.
"I had a telephone conversation with Alexei Machnev, and he has noted that the work on this issue is going on well in the north-Ossetian direction. Previously, we can say that the agreement will be signed in early December 2017, "Gassiev said.
The speakers of the legislative bodies of the two republics instructed the relevant committees to work on the remaining details.
"This agreement contains very important points for both sides, which open wide scope for maximum integration. In particular, it is said that the parliamentarians of South and North Ossetia can work together on draft laws, participate in the mutual sessions, "explained the head of the South Ossetian Parliament.
He has noted that close cooperation in the new format will allow the legislative bodies of the north and south of Ossetia to react promptly to all problems that hamper the further integration of the two parts of Ossetia.
"First of all, we will work hard to ensure that the border between North and South Ossetia became completely transparent, and further, has completely disappeared," said Peter Gassiev.
In addition, is being discussed the possibility of introducing a post of the permanent representative of the Parliament of the RSO in the legislative body of North Ossetia and vice versa.
These and other steps will lead to the fact that joint work will be conducted on an ongoing basis, the South Ossetian parliament specified.
The need to sign an agreement on cooperation between the parliaments of North and South Ossetia has been discussed since 2010, but it dragged on for various reasons.
Earlier in an interview with the agency "Res" Aleksei Machnev has noted that the new convocation of the North Ossetian Parliament will closely deal with the preparation of an agreement with the legislature of South Ossetia.
According to the head of the North Ossetian Legislative Assembly, the signing of the agreement was delayed due to the complicated procedure. "South Ossetia is an independent state and in order to sign an agreement, we must obtain permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. This procedure is passed, there are still some nuances. We will bring them to a conclusion and will sign the agreement, "said the Speaker of the North Ossetian Parliament.
Machnev promised that he would deal with this subject in the very near future.
"On my first business trip to Moscow, I will work on the issue of signing to bring it to a conclusion," he stressed.

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