Bibilov on the legacy of October: every young man was confident of the future

ср, 08/11/2017 - 15:07

Citizens of South Ossetia, regardless of party affiliation, must jointly promote the revival of the Republic, said President Anatoly Bibilov at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
"We need to work together to ensure that our children are happy and live under a peaceful sky. Our society should strive to ensure that every young person is educated and found his way in later life, "- said Bibilov.
The Head of the Republic noted the importance of this historic date, celebrated in the post-Soviet space.
"No matter how the history is altered, we all know perfectly well that it was during the existence of the Soviet Union the most dynamic development of the economy and culture, as well as health and education. I'm not talking about the military and military-technical power of the Soviet Union, "the president said.
Bibilov has noted that it was the Soviet Union that ensured a balance in the world that lasted until its collapse in 1991, which became a tragedy not only for the Soviet people, but for the world as a whole.
"The Soviet Union provided a balance of power in the world. The loss of balance played a bad role for stability in international relations, because it was with the collapse of the Soviet Union that wars began in Europe, in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Transnistria, numerous conflicts in the Middle East flared up, "the head of state concluded.
He has also recalled the social guarantees and equal conditions for self-realization that were provided to citizens by the Soviet state.
"In my example, as well as the example of millions of young people, we can see how a simple village boy could enter a university without any quotas. Every young man was confident of his future, which unfortunately we do not have today, "Bibilov said.
The first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Ossetia Inal Urigaev has also noted the unprecedented significance of the October Revolution.
He has stressed that for more than a century there has not been an event equal in scale and significance to the October Revolution.
Givi Gatikoev, a member of the bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Ossetia, head of the Department of General History of the South Ossetian State University has noted that the October Revolution actually saved Russia from oppression, collapse and suspense.
In his opinion, Ossetia was divided not by the Bolsheviks, but by tsarist Russia.
"As a result of this, at the beginning of the 19th century, in South Ossetia there were three major peasant uprisings against Georgian feudal lords, thousands of insurgents perished, many fled to the North Caucasus with their families. Three times the tsarist administration at the highest level considered the issue of the deportation of the South Ossetians from their homeland. Therefore, the introduction of the Ossetian people to Bolshevism was logical, "said a representative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Ossetia.
The historian has quoted the words of the outstanding Ossetian writer Nafi Jussoyty, that in pre-Soviet period there was no any writer, artist or scientist in South Ossetia.
"All that we have now is the legacy of the Soviet period in the history of our people, and all this must be known, we must be proud and grateful to the social structure that allowed our people to go through such an amazing path of cultural development," Gatikoev quoted Nafi Jussoyty .
He specified that by the end of the Soviet period the cultural development of South Ossetia had achieved great success.
The Candidate of History, acting head of the department of new and modern history of the South Ossetian Research Institute, Presidential Envoy Murat Dzhioev has stressed that the October Revolution was determined by the course of the country's development.
According to him, the undisputed achievement of the Soviet government is the quiet life of citizens with confidence in the future.
"I think the current difficulties are temporary. Russia is increasingly declaring its greatness, and we have long defined our political orientation toward Russia, and I think that we have a good future with Great Russia, "Dzhioev concluded.
The ceremonial meeting was also attended by Prime Minister Erik Pukhaev, leader of the RSO Communist Party Stanislav Kochiev, representatives of the public.
At the end of the event, the young pioneers of School No. 5, as well as the honored cultural worker Galina Kozaeva presented the concert program.

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