President of South Ossetia to Abkhazian parliamentarians: our relations are developing dynamically

пт, 10/11/2017 - 19:21

During the meeting, the President thanked Galustyan for the work carried out within the framework of the meeting of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly, noting the relevance of the issues discussed.
Bibilov once again touched on the topic of preparing the meeting of the heads of the three republics participating in the Community of the State for Democracy and the Rights of Nations by the time of the next, 9th meeting of the Assembly next year.
"The mutual relations of our republics are developing dynamically. The way of formation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia is absolutely the same. The actions carried out by Georgian politicians did not lead to anything good. Instead of a wise political decision on the status of our republics, Georgia began a military operation, "the president said.
He has noted that there will be no return of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to Georgia, and the Georgian leadership understands this.
"Our peoples have chosen their own path of development, and we are not going to leave this path. We linked the vector of development of our path with Russia, this is evidenced by the interrelations and integration processes that take place in our country, "Anatoly Bibilov emphasized.
At the meeting with the delegation of the People's Assembly of Abkhazia, the head of state also discussed the upcoming official visit of the President of the Abkhazian Republic Raul Khajimba to South Ossetia.
According to Bibilov, an agreement on this was reached during his visit to Abkhazia.
Levon Galustyan has stressed that the existing relations between the two republics are allied.
"We value the relations between the republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They are allied, fraternal. Relations between the two countries are developing quite well. Today we can say with satisfaction that 2017 is under the sign of intensification of this work, "said the vice-speaker of the Abkhaz parliament.
He has noted that during the recent visit of the Speaker of the South Ossetian Parliament to Abkhazia, were outlined certain plans and reached agreements on further cooperation. "We expect that the 2018th year will be marked by the adoption of concrete decisions in this direction", - Galustyan said.
By the decree of the President of South Ossetia, Levon Galustyan was awarded the Order of Friendship for his great services in the development of relations of friendship and cooperation between peoples, active work to support the ideas of democracy and parliamentarism and personal contribution in upholding the rights and freedoms of the people of the RSO.
Deputy of the People's Assembly of Abkhazia, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology Givi Kvarchia was awarded a medal "In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Republic of South Ossetia".
The same medal was awarded to Logua Astamur.

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