A reception dedicated to Russia Day has been held in South Ossetia

чт, 13/06/2024 - 12:39

Russia Day is a young holiday, but it has absorbed more than 1,200 years of continuous history of the country. These are several hundred generations of destinies, victories, accomplishments, defeats, this is a big, vast history, the head of the Russian Embassy in South Ossetia noted at the gala reception on the occasion of Russia Day, Marat Kulakhmetov, the head of the diplomatic department.

"Now, having gone through a thorny path, we say that we are on the right path," Kulakhmetov said. "We especially celebrate this holiday after the start of the special military operation. It most clearly showed that we are united people."

According to him, now, in conditions when the united West is trying to inflict a mortal defeat on Russia, "to erase our unification, the unity of our people emphasizes that we must win, and we will win."

Kulakhmetov wished all the soldiers who are now shoulder to shoulder defending the independence and interests of Russia health, prosperity, victory "and to return home alive."

"This holiday has historically defined the main direction of development of our homeland, more than 160 nationalities of our large, vast homeland are the evidence that this large country has a future," the Ambassador has emphasized. "Russia and South Ossetia have a common history, we are a common people, and we can develop and are obliged to develop only together and move forward to victory."

Kulakhmetov congratulated those present on Russia Day, wished health, prosperity, and a peaceful sky over the land of South Ossetia.

President Alan Gagloev has noted that every citizen of Russia who lives in South Ossetia considers himself a part of a large homeland, part of a great power, a large Russian world.

"At one time, our ancestors made a historical, the only correct choice, outlined the vector of development for future generations, and we adhere and will always adhere to this vector," Gagloev said.

The President has noted that this vector is directed towards the Russian Federation.

"South Ossetia will never forget and will always be grateful to those Russian guys who came to support and save the people of South Ossetia in the most difficult period of time," Gagloev has stressed. "We will always be grateful to the Russian Federation for the support and invaluable assistance that Russia has been providing to this day to the people of South Ossetia."

Gagloev has noted that the South Ossetian fighters are participating in the special military operation zone, and each of them considers it their duty to support "our common great Motherland, to preserve values, our common history."

"They show heroism, perform feats, give their lives for our common future," Gagloev has emphasized.

Gagloev wished the Russians good health, happiness, "and God grant that the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia always celebrate such holidays together."

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