In Tskhinval it was immortalized the memory of the Hero of the Caucasus Dmitry Enaldiyev

ср, 18/09/2024 - 19:08

A memorial plaque to the Hero of the Caucasus, a native of South Ossetia Dmitry Enaldiev was unveiled in the South Ossetian capital.

The ceremony was attended by Secretary of the Security Council Anatoly Pliev, the First Deputy Chairman of the government of the Republic Alan Dzhioev, representatives of the Tskhinval administration headed by Mayor Romeo Khugaev, representatives of the Enaldiev family, and others.

The attendees were introduced to Dmitry's biography, family friends and neighbors shared their memories of him.

Alan Dzhioev has noted in his speech that Dmitry Enaldiyev was a man of amazing destiny.

"He was the bearer of the cultural code, thanks to which South Ossetia survives. He could not stand aside, seeing the events that took place in Abkhazia, and passed away into eternity, remaining in the historical memory of the South Ossetian and Abkhazian peoples. It seems to me that our task is to educate our younger generation on such examples, and then South Ossetia will live forever,” he said.

Member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and the Coordinating Council of the International Public Movement “Supreme Council of Ossetians” Kazbek Enaldiev thanked everyone assisted in installing the memorial plaque.

“Representatives of our family approached me and said that Dmitry’s birthday was coming soon and we need to perpetuate his memory. This should have been done earlier, but, unfortunately, the process dragged on. Thanks to everyone who came to honor Dmitry’s memory. Unfortunately, he did not live a long life, but he was a hero and brought glory to his family,” Enaldiev said.

After the official opening, the participants of the event laid flowers at the memorial plaque.

Dmitry Enaldiev was a graduate of the Tskhinvali School No. 2. After graduating from the institute, he was assigned to work as a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Kaldakhuara boarding school in the Gudauta district of Abkhazia. When the Georgian aggression against South Ossetia began in the 1990s, Enaldiev returned to Tskhinval to defend his homeland.

When the Georgians unleashed a war in Abkhazia, he went to help the fraternal republic. In one of the fierce battles, he was wounded and died on August 18, 1992.

Enaldiev was awarded the highest state award of Abkhazia - the Order of Leon.

In October 1992, at the extraordinary congress of the mountain peoples of the Caucasus "Caucasian House", he was posthumously awarded the title "Hero of the Caucasus". He was also posthumously awarded the medal of the Republic of South Ossetia "Defender of the Fatherland".

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