Archive - 29/7/2008


Tue, 29/07/2008 - 16:58

Georgian side fusilladed Ossetian villages Andis and Sarabuk

Georgian side fired with grenade launchers and light weapon Ossetian settlements Andis and Sarabuk. As it was informed to IA «Res» correspondent by the deputy of Defense Ministry Ibragim Gasseev, the shelling started on 29 July early morning from the side of Georgian police and peacekeepers illegal posts.

Tue, 29/07/2008 - 15:47

JPKF Headquarters announcement

On 26 July 2008 from 12:35 to 15:20 JPKF tripartite military observers team and OSCE Mission in concert with water pipeline specialists from Georgian and Ossetian sides monitored Edis – Tskhinval waterpipe. The purpose of the monitoring was to confirm the information of new illegal holes at this section.