Archive - 23/7/2024

Tue, 23/07/2024 - 14:50

Another meeting within the framework of the IPRM has begun on the border of South Ossetia with Georgia

On the border of South Ossetia with Georgia, in the village of Ergnet, another meeting is being held within the framework of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) format.

The meeting will traditionally discuss security issues, statistics of border violations since the last meeting within the framework of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms.

The South Ossetian delegation will once again raise the issue of removing the illegal Georgian police post in the village of Uista from the territory of the Republic.

The National Media Day is being celebrated in South Ossetia

The South Ossetian mass media celebrate their professional holiday on July 23, which is associated with the publication of the first Ossetian newspaper “Iron Gazet” in 1906.

The publication, issued more than a century ago - on July 23 in Vladikavkaz, became the starting point for the development of national media.

The first circulation of “Iron Gazet” was 500 copies; readers could get acquainted with new publications on its pages twice a week.

National Media Day is celebrated in South Ossetia since July 23, 1996.

Tue, 23/07/2024 - 14:48

The government of South Ossetia held a meeting with the Russian specialists in the field of cardiology

On Monday, First Deputy Prime Minister Alan Dzhioev met with the specialists from the A. N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Health Ministry.

According to the government press service, the specialists arrived in the Republic on a working visit in order to provide advisory assistance to citizens of the Republic within the framework of the previously reached agreements.

Alan Dzhioev expressed gratitude to the guests, having noted that the South Ossetian side is counting on effective interaction.

Tue, 23/07/2024 - 14:46

The establishment of diplomatic relations between South Ossetia and Syria has become the basis of strong alliance - Akhsar Dzhioev

Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, Akhsar Dzhioev, sent congratulatory messages to Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrant Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic, Mr. Faisal Al-Miqdad, and to Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to Russia, Mr. Bashar Al-Jaafari, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the press service of the Foreign Ministry reports.