Boris Chochiev: «The South-Ossetian experts will restore the water-sluice on the site Tamarasheni - Kekhvi»

чт, 02/08/2007 - 09:36

Today has taken place a telephone conversation of the co-chairmen of the Joint Control Commission from the south-ossetian and the georgian parties, Boris Chochiev and David Bakradze. As Boris Chochiev has informed the correspondent of the agency «Res», the matter concerned the problems of water supply to Tskhinval and the nearby villages.
«During the conversation an agreement that the south-ossetian experts would work on the site of the water-sluice Tamarasheni - Kekhvi, has been reached. Yesterday"s monitoring had revealed 23 illegal cuts there, a lot of which exist already for a long time. The georgian experts do not manage with all the amount of works. If the water delivery to Tskhinval does not normalize on completion of the works on this site, then the problem will be solved on the other sites of a water-sluice", Boris Chochiev has told.
He has also added that the situation with water supply of the town of Tskhinval remains intense till now.

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