Eduard Kokojty: «The policy of terror is inadmissible»

чт, 09/08/2007 - 13:45

«It is a well-planned provocation, and its aim is to divert the world community from the policy of state terrorism, carried out by Georgia on the territory of South Ossetia». The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty has declared about it, making comments on the fact of infringement of the air space by Georgia.
«Yesterday, at 18:20pm the warplanes of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia have delivered an air blow on a district in the area of ossetian villages, compactly situated on the border between Leningor region of RSO and Gori region of Georgia. The plane maneuvered freely and fearlessly for a long time. And after having thrown the rockets down, it has departed in the direction of Georgia», Eduard Kokojty has told.
The president also considers that the charges in the address of Russia in delivering air blows on peace villages are absurd.
«If the aim of the planes was an illegally located in the zone of the conflict radar station of the georgian side, then such charges still could be understood, and I am assured, that Russian pilots would have coped with this task. But the aim of the given provocation was an intimidation of the ossetian population of the given district so that to force the ossetians to leave their native houses. In any case the management of South Ossetia will demand from the world community the investigation of all the cases of terrorist acts on the territory of the republic. The policy of terror is inadmissible. We shall be compelled to ask the management of Russia to provide the Russian peacemakers with corresponding means with the purpose of maintenance the observance of the before signed agreements on inadmissibility of unauthorized flights above the zone of the conflict», the President has noted.

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