Boris Chochiev: «The South-Ossetian side will be compelled to block the Tiriponskij, Saltvisskij and Kekhvskij irrigation canals, through which water is delivered to Georgia»

вт, 14/08/2007 - 17:42

The Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict from the south-ossetian side Boris Chochiev has sent a letter to the Co-chairman of JCC from the Russian side J. Popov, to the Co-chairman of JCC from the Georgian side D. Mandzhavidze, to the Co-chairman of JCC from the north-ossetian side M. Тkhostov, to the Head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia R.Riv, to the Commander of JPKF the general-major M.M.Kulakhmetov, to the Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Georgia V.Kovalenko, to the Ambassador of the USA in Georgia J.Teft, to the ambassador of Great Britain in Georgia D.MakLaren, to the Ambassador of Germany in Georgia P.Florae, to the Ambassador of France in Georgia F. Lefor and to the ambassador of Italy in Georgia F.Romano.
In the letter, in particular, it is spoken:
«The georgian side actively continues performing actions, directed on further escalation of intensity in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict in a more refined form.
Since May, 24th, 2007 up today proceeds the water blockade of the town of Tshinval. On the piece "Kemerta-Kheiti" of the water-sluice "Edis-Tskhinval" that runs through the territory of the georgian-populated villages, controllable by the armed formations of Georgia, numerous deliberate damages and cuts are illegally made by the local population, which is proved to be true by the results of monitoring of JPKF and OSCE. The number of cuts increases every day and proportionally to it decreases the water delivery to Tskhinval.
The georgian side does not allow the repair brigade of the Tskhinval water pipe to the places of damages. The statements of the georgian side on readiness of the water-sluice to operation is not true to fact. At present potable water is not delivered to the town.
Considering the unusually hot weather, that reaches 35 degrees, an especially difficult situation has developed at the somatic hospital, the children"s hospital, the infectious hospital, the children"s polyclinic, at kindergartens and the boarding school, at a boarding house for aged people "Care", and also at the housing blocks of the town.
Our numerous references to you, dear ambassadors, to the Mission of OSCE in Georgia, and also to the other parts of JCC have remained without due reaction. The antihumane water blockade of the peace town proceeds and that can lead to a humanitarian accident.
In this connection, an intolerant atmosphere is created in the republic, and the south-ossetian side is compelled to resort to adequate actions concerning the georgian side, the responsibility for which is completely laid on the management of Georgia.
We inform you, that the south-ossetian side will be compelled to block the Tiriponskij, Saltvisskij and Kekhvskij irrigation canals, through which water is delivered to Georgia. We are assured, that the inhabitants of the villages, where this irrigating water is delivered, understand, that the responsibility for it lays on the management of Georgia.
Simultaneously for the way out of the created situation we suggest creating urgently a joint repair brigade that should eliminate all the illegal cuts, and in further carry out a monitoring on the water-sluice.
We hope, that you will concern this step with understanding, will give a due estimation to the actions of the georgian side and will call it to stop the antihumane water blockade of the town of Tskhinval ".

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