The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO has addressed the international organizations

ср, 15/08/2007 - 09:35

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO has addressed the international organizations with the offer on carrying out of an international investigation of the attempts of committing terrorist acts by the Georgian special services.
In connection with the attempt of committing a series of terrorist acts, prevented on August, 1st, concerning the top management of the Republic of South Ossetia and testifying of the policy of state terrorism, carried out by Georgia, concerning the Republic of South Ossetia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO has addressed the international organizations - OSCE, the United Nations Organization, the Council of Europe, and also the diplomatic corps, accredited in Georgia, with the offer to consider the opportunity of carrying out of an international investigation of the attempts of committing terrorist acts by the Georgian special services and sending an international investigatory group to South Ossetia.
Below the text of the letter to the Operating Chairman of OSCE is quoted.


Your Excellency,
Paying You our highest respect, we consider it resolutely necessary to pay Your attention to the facts, testifying the policy of state terrorism concerning the Republic of South Ossetia, carrying out by Georgia.
On August, 1st of this year in Tskhinval has been prevented the attempt of commitment of a series of terrorist acts concerning the top management of South Ossetia. There are incontestable proofs that the high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia supervised over the preparation of this crime.
This episode has become one more link in a long chain of committed crimes on the territory of South Ossetia, the responsibility for which is laid on the authorities of Georgia - from the damage of the water-sluice, supplying the capital of South Ossetia with potable water, and the blocking of transport communications in the zone of the conflict right up to murders, the victims of which since 2004 has become more than 40 ossetians, and tens have received wounds.
In July, 2006 in Tskhinval it has been accomplished two terrorist acts: as a result of one of them the Chairman of the Security Council of RSO Oleg Alborov was lost, the victims of the second terrorist act, directed against the deputy of the Parliament of RSO Bala Bestauty, have become two teenagers. In May of this year, also as a result of a terrorist act, the officer Valeriy Kozaev was lost. Four more terrorist acts, fortunately, have been prevented.
The management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia stands behind all these crimes. The Georgian Minister of Internal Affairs Vano Merabishvili repeatedly threatened to destroy the heads of South Ossetia. In November, 2005 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia had been officially published the list of public and political figures of South Ossetia, planned by the Georgian special services to liquidation. All the persons, against whom were directed the listed above terrorist acts, were registered in this « black list » of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Georgian authorities regularly speak in public with various plans of political settlement of the conflict with South Ossetia, however the true destination of these " peace plans » is to mislead the world community and to serve a smoke screen, under the covering of which Georgia, concerning South Ossetia, carries out a policy of power pressure, terror, murders of peace inhabitants to a national attribute.
It is necessary to note, that this tactics of the Georgian authorities on disinformation of the world community reaches its purposes. Instantly reacting to a murder of the Korean missionaries in Afghanistan or on destruction of the hostages-Europeans, seized by the Iraq terrorists, the world community shows absolute composure and indifference concerning severe murders of the ossetians by the Georgian policemen and the carrying out of terrorist acts by the Georgian special services. The absence of international reaction to the committed crimes is perceived by the Georgian authorities as an encouragement to continuation of their criminal policy, heating up to a critical limit without that the explosive situation.
Only the attention of the international community and the duly reaction to criminal acts of the Georgian authorities can prevent the development of the situation under the crisis script. Being convinced in adherence of OSCE to keeping peace and stability in the Caucasian region, we call Your dear organization to use its high authority and to give a corresponding estimation to the policy of state terrorism, carried out by the Georgian authorities concerning South Ossetia. We also ask to consider the opportunity of carrying out of an international investigation of the attempts of commitment of terrorist acts by the Georgian special services and sending an international investigatory group to South Ossetia.
The authorities of South Ossetia are ready to render the all-round assistance in carrying out of the investigation and to give the investigation all the data that are available at their disposal.

Murat Dzhioev
Minister of Foreign Affairs

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