«A march of peace» in a georgian way. The history repeats

пт, 17/08/2007 - 10:29

In September the georgian authorities are going to organize the so-called «march of peace» to the borders of South Ossetia. Considering the aggressive rhetoric of the management of Georgia, promising to solve the problem of South Ossetia in the nearest future and as a whole the intense situation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, this action can result in nothing except for the next coil of intensity.
There had already been a similar march in the history of the georgian-ossetian relations.
On November, 23rd, 1989 of many thousands column of "demonstrators" (over 30 thousand persons) on more than 400 buses and automobile cars from Tbilisi and the other settlements of Georgia has approached the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinval, ostensibly for holding " a peace mass-meeting ». As it has been found out subsequently, the overwhelming majority of «the holding a mass-meeting" has been armed, and their aims were not peaceful at all.
The inhabitants of Tskhinval have barred the way of the "marching" at the entrance to the town. The opposition proceeded more than a day. Then the georgians did not manage to seize Tskhinval, and the November, 23rd, 1989 has become the date of beginning of an active phase of the georgian-ossetian opposition.

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