The comment of the Co-chairman of the South-Ossetian part of JCC Boris Chochiev concerning some statements of the ambassador of the USA in Georgia John Taft

пн, 20/08/2007 - 10:21

Today the ambassador of the USA in Georgia John Teft has declared that the international community should take «the uncontrollable Rukskij tunnel». We inform specially for his data (if he does not know that till now), that the Rukskij tunnel is not uncontrollable, it is under double control. It is controlled by the Russian Federation from the north, and by the Republic of South Ossetia - from the south. The control of the Republic of South Ossetia over the southern portal of the Rrukskij tunnel, we explain to Taft, is carried out on the basis of the norms of international law, providing the right of the nations and the people on self-determination, on the basis of all the complex of acts and norms of international law, being in action on the moment of declaration of state independence of the Republic of South Ossetia in the beginning of 90th years.
And now let him explain, on the basis of what theses of international law he demands the realization of international control over the named territory. There are not such bases and cannot be, and the words of Taft come into a glaring contradiction as with the above-named layers of international normative legal acts, so with the agreements, signed within the limits of the process of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict in an international format.
We do understand that the main care of the USA is to fix their presence at the southern boundaries of Russia under the pretence of control of the Rukskij tunnel.
John Taft "forgets" about the lot of documents of OSCE (the member of which are the USA), calling the state-participants to abstain from arms deliveries to conflict regions, including the " Code of behaviour, concerning the military-political aspects of safety " from the year of 1994, " The principles, regulating the transfer of conventional armaments " from the year of 1994, and also the documents of OSCE on light and shooting arms from the year of 2001, by the infringement of which the USA and its allies actively supply Georgia with modern kinds of arms, including the heavy ones, as the weapon of mass destruction, thus inciting it to war against the peace people of South Ossetia.
For data of Taft, the Rukskij tunnel does not enter the zone of the conflict, and even is not under the control of JPKF; say nothing of a certain international control.
Today the USA by the hands of Georgia aspires to disorganize the format of JCC and to lead the development of the situation behind the frameworks of a legal field. Thus they risk nothing, hoping to drag chestnuts from a fire with the hands of somebody else.
Precisely with same methods, as the USA wish to convince the international public opinion that, ostensibly, something unlawful is passed through the Rukskij tunnel, they try to convince it that Russia is involved in the incident in Tsitelubani. The absurd charges in the address of Russia in « bombardment of the georgian village » (though the ossetians live in the village Tsitelubani) have found support only by the official Washington and some of the semi-states, the clients of the USA. It is evident at once, that the given provocation has been prepared to American patterns. Perhaps, such tricks can easily be played with some of the backward countries, but the USA should know, that they vainly hope to deceive Russia with the same ease.
The most paradoxical thing about it is that a lot of personally addressed references and letters were sent to Mr. Taft from the south-ossetian part of JCC on the occasion of the roughest mass infringement of human rights (for which so " actively " but selectively fight the USA) concerning the persons of ossetian nationality from the management of Georgia. However John Taft did not at all pay attention to these numerous glaring facts.
In summary we remind John Taft, that he is the ambassador of the USA in Georgia, but not in South Ossetia. So let him prosecute the questions concerning Georgia. For example, let him pay attention to the trample of elementary human rights from the management of Georgia, to the distress of prisoners, teachers, national and religious minority, pensioners and dissidents.
And the questions of South Ossetia are successfully solved without his advices.

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