The peacemakers are detained by the power structures of Georgia

чт, 30/08/2007 - 13:31

Today the military men of the ossetian battalion of JPKF, carrying service at Tsinagar observant post of JPKF - the assistant of the company commander Murat Bighenov, the fire sergeant ensign Vitaliy Valiev and the commander of the branch sergeant Aron Khachirov have been detained by the employees of the branch of the state security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia as a result of special action. The correspondent of the agency "Res" have been informed about it at the information-analytical department of the apparatus of the south-ossetian part of the Joint Control Commission.
Without any explanations they have been brought to the Gori branch of criminal police of Georgia. Therefrom Valiev and Khachirov have been transported to the town of Mtskheta, Bichenov has been released and at present is in the town of Tskhinval at the staff of JPKF. The search for the other kidnapped proceeds.
JPKF and OSCE are informed about the occurred. However, the military observers and the officers on military monitoring of the mission of OSCE in Georgia have not left for the town of Mtskheta, motivating it by the fact that Mtskheta is out of the zone of the conflict.
In opinion of the ossetian side this event is connected with the fact that Georgia has strengthened the subversive-investigatory activity on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia lately. Especially it concerns the Leningori region, where the illegal posts of the georgian power structures are placed. From one of these posts (in the area of the georgian village Bershueti) has been carried out a raid on the peacemakers of an ossetian battalion.

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