The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

чт, 30/08/2007 - 13:33

On August, 29th, 2007 at 8.00am by the georgian power structures on behalf of the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia at the illegally placed post in the area of the settlement Bershueti in the zone of the conflict have been detained three military men of the peace-making battalion from the Republic of North Ossetia-Аlania, following from the settlement Tsinagar on a service car of the peace-making forces. Not explaining the reason of detention and not having presented any charges in their address, the detained persons under compulsion have been taken out to the town of Gori, beyond the bounds of the zone of the conflict. Further on two of them were delivered to the town of Mtskheta close to the city of Tbilisi, and the third one, accompanied by the georgian peacemakers, was delivered to the town of Tskhinval. The command of JPKF and the Co-chairmen of JCC are not informed in writing about the given detention of the military men of the peace-making forces. The information on the given incident has been received by the command of JPKF in an oral form from the chief of the staff of the peacekeeping forces of Georgia only on August, 29th, 2007 at 11.30am.
The assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with the mass-media Juriy Vereshchak informs about it.

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