Boris Chochiev: «The georgian side purposely breaks the mandate of its battalion of the peace-making forces»

пт, 31/08/2007 - 09:26

The South-Ossetian side marks, that the georgian side purposely breaks the mandate of its battalion of the peace-making forces, continues creating difficulties for the peace-making operation, in infringement of the before signed agreements submits not to the Joint Military Command of JPKF, but to the Ministry of Defence of Georgia. That is spoken in the letter of the co-chairman of JCC from South Ossetia Boris Chochiev to the co-chairmen of JCC from the Russian, the North-Ossetian and the Georgian sides.
«The South-Ossetian part of JCC once again pays your attention to the illegal and provocative actions of the georgian side.
So, at the meeting of the Joint Military Command of JPKF on August, 29th, 2007 from the performance of the chief of the staff of the Ministry of Security from Georgia we have known about the intention of the georgian side in infringement of the Provision « About the main principles of activity of the military contingents...», and also to carry out the rotation of the peace-making battalion from Georgia on August, 30th, 2007 without coordination with JCC, whereas the last rotation is carried out on May, 1st, 2007.
The South-Ossetian side marks, that the georgian side purposely breaks the mandate of its battalion of the peace-making forces, continues creating difficulties for the peace-making operation, in infringement of the before signed agreements submits not to the Joint Military Command of JPKF, but to the Ministry of Defence of Georgia.
In this connection, we resolutely declare, that the once again planned rotation of the battalion will be illegal, and in connection with that we demand to take all the necessary measures on non-admission of carrying out of an illegal rotation of the georgian battalion from the Joint Military Command of JPKF», is spoken in the letter.
The copies of the letter are also directed to the acting head of the Mission of OSCE in Georgia Mr. Veselin Nikolaev and the temporary Commander of JPKF the lieutenant colonel Dubbelmav P.I.

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