The message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in connection with the illegal arrest of the Russian peacemakers in Georgia

пт, 14/09/2007 - 17:49

Earlier it was already informed about the illegal arrest and imprisonment by the georgian side of the Russian citizens T.Khachirov and V.Valiev, the military men of the north-ossetian battalion of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces (JPKF) in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict, having taken place on August, 29th, 2007.
Despite the demarches of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the urgent appeals of the embassy of Russia in Tbilisi, our military men are not released till the present time. The Russian consular representatives have not received access to them. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia does not give any intelligible explanations to the violent actions of the georgian law enforcement bodies against the peacemakers. No proofs are presented to the ostensibly committed by them offences.
On September, 11th the embassy of Russia has transferred the repeated note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, in which the requirement about the immediate and unconditional release of T.Khachirov and V.Valiev is expressed, and also on giving official explanations on the occasion of motives of their arrest and the accepted decision on a passed by it preventive punishment.
A frank arbitrariness concerning the Russian citizens is beyond the norms of the civilized interstate dialogue. The responsibility for negative consequences of mutual relations is completely born by the georgian side, informs

Мой мир