Juriy Vereshchak: «The question on the post removal can be carried out only on the basis of the decision of JCC»

пн, 17/09/2007 - 11:16

The georgian party deliberately gives no legal estimation to the actions of the citizens of Georgia Khmiadashvili G.N. and Midodashvili V.Y., the illegal actions of which have caused their detention at the check point of the peace-making forces from the Russian Federation «Мegvrekisi» on September, 11th of this year. The correspondent of the agency «Res» has been informed about it by the assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with mass-media the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak, making comments on the requirements of the apparatus of the state minister of Georgia on settlement of conflicts to stop the functioning of the check point of the Peacemaking Forces «Мegvrekisi».
«It is necessary to note, that the presented charges in the address of the military men of the Peacemaking Forces, having carried out the detention, have no bases under themselves, as they have been recorded in the official report on monitoring only according to the detained citizens and are not confirmed by any other proofs. The georgian party, being the interested side, uses only the proofless statements of the arrested persons, without consideration the evidences of the staff of the post, carrying out its task, that cannot be the basis for presenting charges», Juriy Vereshchak has told.
«As to the question on the post removal, so it would be desirable to note once again, that this requirement can be fulfilled only on the basis of the decision of the Joint Control Commission», Vereshchak has added.

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