Eduard Kokoity: «Georgia’s claims of unwilling to solve the conflicts by force is nothing more than plain demagogy»

пн, 26/05/2008 - 16:02

The situation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone has a growing tendency to aggravation. How the Government of the Republic is coping with the ongoing situation told the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity in the interview to IA «Res» correspondent

–I would like to note that the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia is bending every effort to keep the negotiation process of Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement within the framework of Joint Control Commission. Saakashvili’s regime organizes provocations against the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia and peacekeeping forces. We are making great efforts to hold the situation in check. We have focused our possibilities on the solving of social problems here in South Ossetia. A plan for construction of social objects is elaborated. But unfortunately these plans can not be realized in time since Georgian side is ignoring all existing agreements, including the basic treaty–Dagomys Agreement and blocking South Ossetia. This is of course an obstacle for passing building materials and so on, what is a priority for us: this year we will launch a building of patient care, educational and entertainment institutions.
Although in general we are sure we will cope with the set tasks. Talking about Georgian-Ossetian relations, if the Georgian side were more prudent and interested in directing allocated by the West enormous tranches to develop infrastructure for the Georgian population it would be great. But they plume themselves that the billions are spending on Georgian army! Georgia is the most militarized and the maintenance of the Georgian Defense Ministry mechanism tells on the life of ordinary Georgians who are presently facing many problems. Living standards in South Ossetia are higher than in Georgia, but this does not mean we may relax. We have to do everything to draw living conditions in RSO to Russian ones.
–Georgian side is going on to block RSO districts. How can you comment the situation?
Unfortunately our districts are facing serious problems in this regard despite the agreements, peacekeeping forces convoying the humanitarian loads in the conflict zone. Many our districts are blocked in the other respect as well-people practically can not move throughout the area. Their Russian and Ossetian passports are seized and they are forced to receive Georgian ones. These are medieval methods. I would like to note the Georgian President presented various plans of conflict settlement. Many methods were proposed, he had offered different autonomies but we have determined ourselves and became an independent State. Talking about the conflict settlement, about the great love to Ossetian people and declaring democratic standards Georgian side is forbidding learning of native tongue for the Ossetians still leaving in Georgia. Graphic example: we handed as a humanitarian aid books in Ossetian language but they were seized by the Georgian side and for more than a year stored at the Georgian town Gori police station. This is the real face of the Georgian democracy and the love to Ossetian people.
We are proceeding from the point the Georgian democratic and peaceful statements are drastically differ from the real state of things.
–In what condition are the South Ossetian armed forces? Are they ready to the possible provocations from the Georgian side?
–The failure of the internal policy of Saakashvili in Georgia is fraught with the after-effects for the Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-South Ossetian conflict settlement. I am emphasizing the statement that Georgia is not intended to resolve conflicts by force means is a demagogy. We must stem from their real actions: first-they arm their armed forces with the latest types of offensive armament, second-transfer swiftly large detachments to the Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zones, what is a violation of all existing agreements and undertaking provocations on the regular bases. We are in touch with the Abkhaz Government and following the course of events. RSO armed forces are ready to any thunder-clap.
We are vigilantly observing all movements of the Georgian troops, for if Georgia today is talking about peace, before we often heard the other statements of Georgian authorities that it is not difficult for Georgia to conquer Abkhazia and South Ossetia. This is not to happen. For the Georgia itself it may become a disaster, that is why we once again calling for the Georgian Government to refuse from planning military adventures. We are ready for talks and in contrast to Georgia not indulge in demagogy; we are presenting our plans for the peaceful settlement and in contrast to Georgia not changing our plans twice a week. We do have our plan based on mutual confidence and mutual acceptance, but in this case the willing of Georgian side needs. As for the military facet of the confrontation, the armed forces of South Ossetia are ready to repulse the aggression.
–How could you comment last events in the Georgia-Ossetian conflict zone? I mean three explosions at the borders of South Ossetia on 16 May.
Regarding these questions I would rather focus the attention on international community struggle with terrorism. Unfortunately it combats the terrorism using the policy of double standards. The terrorist acts committed at the RSO territory are practically detected by the RSO law enforcement organs and all the traces lead to Georgia for the customers of these terrorist acts were the Georgia’s State Security members. Persons arrested in South Ossetia are giving evidence against them. This can not but worry South Ossetian Government. We have applied to ambassadors accredited in Georgia and international organizations with invitation to our Republic and to get acquainted with the real state of things on the spot. However except from the Russian ambassador no one including OSCE representatives never entertained our suggestion. We remember how swiftly the ambassadors of eight States appeared when a helicopter in violation of existing agreements fly over the conflict zone and have been fired. They are not coming today because this is also their responsibility. What they can tell us and justify their actions? And today the Georgian side is undertaking another attempt to bring both sides to equal responsibility. But committing of terrorist acts at the territory of the neighboring State is not our method and stile of work. Georgia professionally provoke us, this is their purposeful strategy for discrediting of Russian peacekeepers. And in this case we can see the whole spectrum of combined actions: diversion and terrorist acts and their informational support.
The same time we must note a tacit consent of international community to Georgia’s actions. The question is who combats the international terrorism? Today in Abkhazia and South Ossetia we are facing the policy of State terrorism conducting by the Saakashvili’s Government. There is simply no other way for them because there are no any political and legal grounds for returning South Ossetia and Abkhazia to Georgia’s composition. This is not to happen whatever autonomies and positions they will offer to us. In South Ossetia not only the President but the whole people took a decision long ago. Our independence is not for sale.
–In 2005 South Ossetia and Abkhazia signed an agreement of the mutual military assistance. If Georgia undertakes any military operation in Abkhazia is South Ossetia going to help?
–There is «Community for democracy and nations rights» which units South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transdnistria. Within the framework of this community we are assisting each other in economic and social spheres. The same time a military support is also included. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are lost for Georgia. Georgia can not solve the problem alone, for there are no any political and legal rights for that. That is why Georgia today is trying to do this with NATO assistance. We are following the situation and if the aggression takes place against Abkhazia South Ossetia will begin adequate actions. The same will be from the Abkhazian side. Our military men elaborated thorough plans for using of all our possibilities to defeat the enemy.
–How do you mark the activity of Russian peacekeepers at the South Ossetian territory?
–Russian peacekeepers are the main peace and stability guarantor in the Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zones, for this peacekeeping operation is unique. If the Georgian side were interested in the peaceful settlement of the conflicts it would fulfill its commitments. Generally speaking Georgian side begins discrediting Russian peacekeepers ignoring all achieved earlier agreements. But the Russian peacekeepers are honorably fulfilling their duties and do not yield to provocations. Russian peacekeepers in the zone of Georgian-Ossetian conflict must stay here to the complete settlement of the conflict as it is stated in their mandate.
I would like to say that in South Ossetia will not accept peacekeeping forces from third countries. Ukraine, Baltic States have laid such claim but we will consider them aggressors for they are arms Georgia. They in no way can be the side in the conflict settlement. The sides must fulfill their commitments, and then it will be easier for peacekeepers to fulfill their functions. No peacekeeping forces can be a success with such destructive position of the Georgian side.
–Taking into consideration the situation on what conditions today is possible a dialog with Georgian side?
–We are ready for the dialog. I have numerously to the President of Georgia to negotiate, to sign the Memorandum of non-use of force or threat of its application, to discuss a three-staged way of Georgian-Ossetian settlement. Our initiative has been supported by both Russian Federation, which is the main peace and stability guarantor in RSO and OSCE, but Georgian side is constantly avoiding the meeting, although declaring its readiness. For four years there is no direct dialog within the JCC framework. Georgian side did everything to logjam the negotiation process. We have returned to the state of 90s of the last century. By the elimination of position of State Minister fir conflict settlement Georgian side have passed these functions to the Ministry of Reintegration, what becomes a serious obstacle for the talks resuming. But we are undertaking all possible measures fro finding mutual points for the continuation of negotiation process. I believe there are prospects for the resuming of normal dialog.

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