What Crack is on Both Sides of the North Atlantic?

ср, 01/02/2017 - 18:56

What Crack is on Both Sides of the North Atlantic?
Just as in the last century in Europe was wandering some ghost, now on both sides of the North Atlantic is a deafening crash. That is not a natural disaster. It`s falling apart at the seams ideological framework that ruled the planet in the last quarter of a century. All the more evident is the disappointment of the peoples of the countries - the flagships of the "new world order".
It is primarily the United States, France, Britain and Germany. Let us briefly focus on each of them.
In the US, the presidential election was won by Donald Trump, who promised to give up many of the globalist project. Immediately after the inauguration, he signed the US withdrawal from the Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Cooperation, involving 12 countries. The work on this agreement started in 2009 in absolute secrecy of the negotiations when discussing its terms.
In order to understand how radical, decisive is this step, we should recall that the creation of Trans-PacificPartnership was a "corporate coup", as only 2 of the 26 chapters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement have any relation to trade, and a large part of the agreement "provides new rights and privileges to global corporations, especially related to the protection of intellectual property (copyright and patent rights laws), as well as a restriction on state regulation.
Trump is not alone. Behind him stands a powerful army of like-minded people. Transnational capital is seriously frightened. The forces that supported all these years the failed policy, staged violent protests in the US and in the countries where over the years have managed to seize full power.
It is, at the moment, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Kenya. Such protests were also in France, but here is a special case.
France continues to be the scene of fierce fighting between the national liberation forces and supranational capital. The people and quite influential stratum in local political circles quite clearly expressed their opinion that they are dissatisfied with the extremely Russophobic policy of the socialist President Hollande.
Elected in 2012, President Hollande is a supporter of sanctions against Russia in connection with the Ukrainian events of 2014 and the Russian military operation in Syria, although these sanctions cause damage, first of all, to the French producers, while Russian businessmen managed to compensate for the lack of some good shipped from France.
In June 2016 Hollande's popularity rating was 12%, and in November - 4%, making him the most unpopular president in the history of France. Due tohis low popularity François Hollande did not nominate his candidacy for the presidential elections in 2017. December 1, 2016, Francois Hollande announced his decision, becoming the only president of the Fifth Republic, who is not running for a second term.
Media reports on the growing popularity of those French politicians who are supporters of rapprochement with Russia. How true this is will show the election, the first round of which will take place two weeks after the election of the President of the Republic of South Ossetia, April 23, 2017.
United Kingdom. The last referendum in this country was won by the supporters of the country's withdrawal from the European Union. And this is despite the fact that the UK is not a regular member but one of the backbones, load-bearing structures of the supranational union, which in many respects has already the properties, attributes of a single state. The decision of the British taxpayers caused quite a shock, not only within the national political establishment, but also throughout Europe. In the public space became louder sounding such words as "Frekzit", "Grekzit" etc. We have already mentioned that the reason for the decision of the Britons is the Brussels’ height of impudence.
Over time, it is more visible the correctness of our the then wording: "blatant disregard, stubborn refusal to listen to the views of ordinary voters, to take into account the interests of ordinary taxpayers, not only in the United Kingdom, but also in its other countries, concelebrated the European Union a bad service. Brussels officials in the future should be gentler to the peoples of the EU Member States. "
Germany. More than two years the German press brainwash burghers by anti-Russian propaganda. Even the discreet "Der Spiegel" went on this way. The leader in this difficult matter was the newspaper Die Welt. The journalists accused Russia of all the troubles, which took place in the world. They have recently launched a new horror story about a possible intervention of Russia in the elections to the Bundestag. And what are the results of all this two years of brainwashing? According to the telephone public opinion poll, 81% of Germans trust Vladimir Putin. The rating almost like in Russia! These data were not wanted, so they were quickly removed and no longer discussed, but everything is kept on the Internet.
The Germans also express their negative attitude to Angela Merkel in social networks, forums and various online resources. Some are dissatisfied with her migration policy, others point out that for the German Chancellor it is time to abandon her post for the other, more competent and sensible politician. Again, web users are of the opinion that such a leader must be a person, like Putin
Worried about what is happening at home, in the US, Western and Eastern Europe (and candidates of Atlanticist and Russophobes have already suffered a crushing defeat, not only in these countries, but also in Bulgaria and Moldova), the US National Democratic Institute (the NDI) conducted a study of public opinion in Georgia. According to the report on its results, the survey was carried out throughout the country from November 4 to December 4, 2016 by directly interviewing of 3141 respondents.
For a start - a few words about the NDI. Its full name is the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. It was created by the US government in 1983 and is functioning in more than 130 countries for "democracy promotion in developing countries." It is financed by the US State Department, the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the National Fund for US democracy, as well as by a number of other state and not only the state sources, many of which do not like to advertise their names. NDI is headed by the executioner of Serbia, former U.S. Secretary of state Madeleine Albright.
In the republics of the Soviet Union, including Russia, the NDI started working in the late '80s. It advised and financed the "democratic forces" - people and organizations which promoted American ideals in the Soviet fallow soil.
And what is their ideal? - Only money. So the Americans could extort the national wealth of the country, it is necessary to weaken or even destroy its natural defenses. That is by slander to marginalize patriots of their country, to assist in pulling for elected and non-elected positions of public administration positions the people related to the US with secret ties, who will make decisions that are harmful to the country, but useful for the US government. This goal far from democracy is achieved successfully by the Americans in almost all post-Soviet republics, and even earlier - in the countries of Western and Eastern Europe.
Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2015, NDI entered the patriotic "stop-list", developed by the Council of the Federation, according to which its work is undesirable on the territory of Russia. In 2016, Russian prosecutors acknowledged that the NDI is a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the state.
NDI has nothing to do with democracy, it can hardly be suspected of love for Russia.
It is possible that the results of the survey in Georgia, most likely, are already adjusted in the interests of the West. Taking this into account, it is necessary to consider the results of public opinion research. But, no matter how much it is desirable, the facts cannot be too much distorted. Therefore, even the adjusted results are not too optimistic for the West.
According to published reports, the number of pro-Russian citizens of Georgia, as well as citizens who are supporters of good relations with Russia, not only has decreased, but even has increased in comparison with the report for the first half of 2016.
It eloquently refutes the insinuation of Russophobes in the West, in Georgia and even in Russia, that without the abolition of Russia's recognition of independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, it cannot be improved the relations between Georgia and Russia.
Contrary to expectations, more than a third of the Georgian population believes that the country will get more benefit from if it improves relations with Russia and gives up the integration with the EU and NATO.
Respondents were asked to choose one of the options for the development of foreign policy of Georgia. 54% preferred a pro-Western course, while maintaining good relations with Russia.
During the previous survey in June of last year, this choice was made by 48%. That is, in just six months, despite the intensive and expensive anti-Russian information policy, the number of supporters of good relations with Russia has not decreased, but even increased by six percent! The pro-Western course in the last survey chose 12%, the pro –Russian with maintaining good relations with NATO and the EU - 18%, and a pro -Russian 9%.
If we take a longer historical period, we can see quite a shocking picture. In 1991, all five million Georgian voters were concerned about publicity, democracy and the creation of favorable conditions for the harmonious education and human development in the ideals of high spirituality, morality and humanism. Based on these expectations and aspirations, they destroyed their Soviet republic, and on its ruins built an independent state. And what do we see? A quarter of a century of "freedom and democracy" has not left even tiny place for these concepts in the soul of the ordinary resident of Georgia.
Today, in conditions of independence, the majority of the Georgian population is not concerned about the high spiritual and moral values, but about survival issues: employment, rising prices and poverty. For 58% of respondents the most important issue is job. How to get a piece of bread? How to feed their children? For unemployed are listed 66% of respondents. 82% of respondents thought that in 2012 the living conditions have not changed but even deteriorated. For the majority of Georgian citizens last month the income amounted to 300 lari (about 6,500 Russian rubles).
And here the question arises naturally: whether Georgia really gained independence in 1991 or being a free republic, it became the deprived American colony? The situation, observed in the last 25 years leaves no room for objective gaze of scope for two opinions. And this concerns not only Georgia.
Awareness of the truth gradually comes to the Georgian people, befuddled by intensive quarter of century propaganda. There is a trend reflecting the changing attitude of public opinion to the policy of the current government. It is impossible to keep silent. The Western means of propaganda are no longer able to hide the true state of affairs. The common people are tired of listening to long-term promise of a beautiful fairy tale life, getting in the reality poverty and tension in relations with historic neighbors.
However, this applies not only to the peoples of Georgia but also Moldova and Bulgaria, Germany, France, as well as the United Kingdom and the United States...
That is the reason for crack on both sides of the North Atlantic.
Inal Pliev,
international expert of the news agency "Res"

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