Anatoly Bibilov took part in the V Vladimir Interregional Economic Forum

сб, 20/05/2017 - 15:38

On May 19, 2017, the delegation of South Ossetia headed by the President of the Republic Anatoly Bibilov, at the invitation of the Governor of the Vladimir Region, Svetlana Orlova, took part in the V Vladimir Interregional Economic Forum "The Golden Ring of Russia - 50. Entrepreneurship and Tourism: Investing in the Future".
As reported to IA "Res" by the press Secretary of the President of South Ossetia Dina Gassieva, within the framework of the forum, Anatoly Bibilov had a meeting with Svetlana Orlova.
The Governor told the guests about the socio- economic development of the Vladimir region and the main achievements of the 33rd region in industry, agriculture, import and export of products, and tourism.
During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of mutually beneficial cooperation, including in the field of innovative technologies.
The event was also attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to Russia Znaur Gassiev and Deputy Governor Roman Rusanov.
President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov, responding to questions of journalists, noted the high level of the economic platform.
"The forum though stated as interregional, is actually an international forum, since it involved representatives of China, Chile, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The level of interaction is very high. There are agreements on investments, programs, there is an intention of businessmen to come to South Ossetia in September, 2017," said the President of South Ossetia.
Anatoly Bibilov took part in the plenary session of the forum, and also visited the exhibition of industrial and investment potential of the Vladimir region, as well as a number of forum stands where was presented the information on tourism as a factor of growth of investment attractiveness and socio- economic development of the regions, new opportunities for small and medium businesses in the sphere of tourism, the formation of a modern sphere of services, hotel and transport infrastructures.
At the forum was also presented the stand of South Ossetia, which gave an idea to potential investors about the possibilities of the development of tourism business in the Republic.
Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation Oleg Safonov, State Duma deputies, Federation Council members, heads of the regions of the Russian Federation, heads of financial and credit organizations, representatives of federal ministries, tourism industry, public organizations, embassies of a number of foreign states took part in the discussion of tourism development.

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