Georgian communities in Europe try to block the days of Ossetian culture

пт, 04/08/2017 - 13:33

Georgian communities in the cities of Europe every year try to block the days of Ossetian culture in Europe, told journalists at a press conference in Tskhinval the head of the International non-commercial Association "Renaissance Sandidzan" (Revival).
According to Pukhaev, in 2015 the mayor of the French city - the citadel of Montmedi together with his wife solemnly opened the exhibition of Ossetian artists and even promised to open the same exhibition in a year.
"But from the consulate of Georgia the mayor received an angry letter, after which he refused even our gift - a picture of one of the Ossetian artists that we had presented him," - said Pukhaev.
He has added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Holland tried to block the exhibition of the outstanding South Ossetian artist Lavrenty Kasoev, because he was from South Ossetia, noting that "they recognize the territorial integrity of Georgia."
"But having learned that Lavrenty Kasoev is a Russian citizen, the issue was settled," Pukhaev said.
He has explained that all the examples listed by him show that even the "praised European democracy does not perceive culture outside politics."
Over the past seven years, "Days of Ossetian Culture in Europe" were held in 13 cities in Europe. This year "Days of Ossetian culture in Europe" was organized in Brussels, Luxembourg and Paris. Pictures of Ossetian artists are very popular among Europeans. Their works are in the embassies, city halls, the institutions of the cities of Europe. In particular, nine works by Ossetian artists are exhibited in the Jasberen Museum in Hungary.

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