n Tskhinval has been held a commemorative event "Pain imbued with memory"

вт, 08/08/2017 - 14:15

The "Gergievskaya staircase" in Tskhinval hosted a commemorative event "Pain imbued with memory," dedicated to the ninth anniversary of the war 08.08.08.
Candles, photographs and an endless stream of names of the innocently murdered and mourning music made each of those present to recall shelling and a long wait for rescue in August 2008.
The action began with the video showing "The Beginning of the War in Tskhinval", after which poems were sounded under the strikes of a bell and crying of the Ossetian accordion. .
President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov told about the attack of Georgian troops on the sleeping Tskhinval and about the losses suffered by South Ossetia during the August 2008 war.
"On this day every year we will remember those who were killed in the fight against the enemy. This evening is connected with the protection of South Ossetia by its people, armed forces, home guards], and most importantly, with the help of the Russian Federation. This assistance is the salvation of the population of South Ossetia, and gratitude for this will always be expressed to those who did not remain indifferent in helping our people, "the head of state said.
The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for National Policy, Culture, Education, Science, Religion and the Media, has recalled how on the night of August 7-8, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili announced a truce, and meanwhile, under cover of night, attacked South Ossetia.
"Owing to the Heroes who are looking at us from photographs, our Republic gained freedom, independence and recognition. Fraternal Russia offered us a helping hand, protected us and recognized our sovereignty. As long as only one person lives on the Ossetian land, the memory of the heroes who folded their heads in the struggle for freedom will not disappear, "he stressed.
Those present lit candles in memory of the heroes of the war 08.08.08.
In the mourning event took part the representatives of the leadership of the Republic headed by President Anatoly Bibilov, the deputies headed by Speaker Peter Gassiev, the first President of South Ossetia Ludwig Chibirov, the former President of the Republic Leonid Tibilov, as well as representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia, the public.

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