USA and Russia: Improving relations is inevitable, but it will require efforts

чт, 16/11/2017 - 14:17

At the moment, Russian-American relations are experiencing one of the most difficult periods in history. Washington calls Russia a key threat to security and a destabilizing factor in the Western world order. Moscow, on the other hand, views NATO expansion as a threat, a violation of strategic stability. The evidence of this is the deployment of the American anti-missile defense system in the territory of a number of states.
In addition, Russia is critical of the US interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, as well as the policy of Washington and its allies in the Middle East and the Korean peninsula. History has shown that the United States in the Middle East, Iran and the Korean Peninsula focuses not on the wellbeing of the peoples and the struggle against terrorism, but on the desire to overthrow the "unwanted" regimes and establish control over the minerals, energy resources and labor of these states.
The key stumbling block was the tragic events in Ukraine, where is taking place the most dramatic struggle for influence on the countries of the post-Soviet space - the traditional zone of Russian interests. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland in an interview with an American television company openly stated in 2014 that "since 1991, the US has invested about $ 5 billion in Ukraine." Although the West denies this, it is clear that a power coup in this country is also prepared and generously paid for from overseas. The goal is clear - to separate the Ukrainian and Russian peoples forever.
Here it should be noted that, nevertheless, Russia continues to recover the influence in the post-Soviet space lost after the collapse of the USSR. Of course, this is contrary to the plans of the West, the main goal of which is to maintain hegemony in the global monetary and energy markets by any means.
In the 1990s, the United States gave the Soviet Union a promise not to expand NATO eastward in exchange for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe (except Bulgaria, where the Soviet troops were not deployed). However, the US is taking active steps in a diametrically opposite direction. American servicemen and military equipment are located practically along the entire perimeter of the western border of Russia. Negotiations are under way on entering into the alliance of Sweden and Finland. Georgia, being pushed by the US into the Euro-Atlantic structures, by its actions, is shaking the situation in Transcaucasia.
For the first time in world practice it was implemented the seizure of diplomatic property. And this was carried out by the "most democratic country" - the United States, by attaching the diplomatic property of the Russian Federation on its territory. In the "stronghold of good" is forbidden the broadcasting of Russian television channels, showing view on key events in the world, not edited by the American censorship. Spy mania in the United States has surpassed the cartoons that their propagandists drew about the USSR. What cost some imaginary "Russian hackers" and the fear of advertising in social networks...
There is a closer time when it is necessary to stop, otherwise how will end the confrontation between the two nuclear powers?..
All parties, as well as observers, need to recognize the obvious fact: the competition between Russia and the West is a long-term factor. It did not arise yesterday and it will not stop tomorrow. However, in any confrontation it is important to preserve sense of harmony and common sense. Nevertheless, the US, with the persistence of "kamikaze" continues to rock the boat, in which they themselves sit.
The US is not the first state to cherish illusions that Russia is finished off and it can be ignored. However, as in past historical periods, Russia on principle does not burn bridges and leaves room for dialogue.
Changing relations for the better is inevitable. However, it will require considerable efforts, a consistent and long-term policy of normalization, as well as changes in common approaches.

Inal Pliev, an expert of the news agency Res

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