"Federation of Peace and Harmony" will inform the EU about elections in South Ossetia
The international organization "Federation of Peace and Harmony" will inform the Council of Europe on the elections in South Ossetia. This was declared by a member of a group of international observers, representing the Russian public organizations, Gennady Mikhailov at a press conference of the CEC Information Centre. "We intend to bring information about the elections in South Ossetia to the Council of Europe, which is represented by my organization - said Mikhailov. - Despite the fact that the Council of Europe has its own sources of information and Europe has not recognized South Ossetia, however, there is a group that works for the collection of information, where we present the material after its observation and inform the Council of Europe as we see it. And I am sure that this time we will bring them to the true information on transparency, democracy and legitimacy of the today's elections".