

Fri, 23/04/2010 - 15:23

Law Enforcement Bodies of South Ossetia detained Georgian citizen

On 22 April 2010, law enforcement bodies of South Ossetia detained Georgian citizens Teimuraz Savelievich Djerapov, 1946, while an attempted crossing of the state border of South Ossetia in the village of Sinagur, Djava district. Upon the South Ossetian Prosecutor General's Office request, Djeranov was wanted by law enforcement bodies since 2006 for crimes committed on the territory of the republic. From 2006 to 2008, Djerapov was so-called Minister for Economic Development of the puppet pro-Georgian government of Dmitry Sanakoev acting in the village of Kurta.

Fri, 23/04/2010 - 15:22

Merab Chigoev: The Georgian Interior Ministry's Statement is pure lies and hypocrisy

The South Ossetian law enforcement bodies would do their best to ensure peace at the borderline, stated the first Deputy Plenipotentiary for Post-Conflict Settlement Merab Chigoev. Chigoev commented on the statement made by the Interior Ministry of Georgia, in which the South Ossetian side has been blamed in preventing the residents of borderline areas from working in their fields, and that this "makes the social situation more difficult for the local population." According to Chigoev, the media and authorities of Georgia have been lately increasing their activities aimed at slandering positive changes taking place at the borderlines of the Republic of South Ossetia with Georgia, those significant efforts taken to preserve peace at the borders. According to him, this kind of statements is not worth paying attention to. "Nonetheless, I would like to comment on the 20 April statement of Georgia's Interior Ministry that the authorities of South Ossetia had been reportedly preventing the residents of the borderline areas from working on their land, and thus, complicating the social situation for the population. This is pure lies and hypocrisy. First, the residents themselves and the whole world community know that the social situation in whole Georgia, not only in the borderline areas, is complicated by the authorities now in power in Georgia. They do so because of their inability and corruptness", stated Merab Chigoev.


Wed, 21/04/2010 - 10:36

RSO MFA News Release

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia avails itself the opportunity to express its highest consideration to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and is honored to convey its sincere congratulations on the 200th anniversary of Independence Day of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 19 April 1810 is a memorable date in the history of Venezuela setting the grounds for state independence. Today, Venezuela is an important regional and world partner. High social and economic, as well as industrial potential, successful implementation of innovation programs by the leadership of the state, speak for clearly right historic choice made by Venezuela people in their striving for freedom and independence.


Mon, 19/04/2010 - 15:03

An ammunition cache found in South Ossetia

Representatives of the Border-Guard Department (BGD) of the RF FSB in South Ossetia found an ammunition cache, reported the press service of the RF FSB BGD. "At around 9:00 a.m., Representatives of the Border-Guard Department (BGD) of the RF FSB in South Ossetia found an ammunition cache three kilometers south of Balta, Znaur District, near the village of Tsnelis, 500 meters from the borderline of South Ossetia with Georgia", said the BGD representative.

Mon, 19/04/2010 - 15:02

RSO KGB: Ammunition Cache was left during the hostilities in August 2008

Investigation group of the RSO KGB and de-mining specialists withdraw the ammunitions from the cache near the village of Balta, reported the KGB press-service.
"Currently, the cache location has been thoroughly checked, the ammunitions withdrawn. Military engineers identified RPG shells, anti-tank grenade RPG-18 "Mukha", shells for antiaircraft emplacement, etc", read the report.


Sat, 17/04/2010 - 15:43

Georgian armed forces personnel tresspassed the borderline with South Ossetia

Georgian military personnel trespassed the state borderline of South Ossetia, reports the Defense Ministry press-service.
”At around 17:00, two armored vehicles COBRA and one military pick-up enter the territory of South Ossetia as far as 150 meters near the village of Okona bordering with Georgian village of Knolevi. After warning shooting, the Georgian armed forces representatives returned back to Georgia”, says the report.


Fri, 16/04/2010 - 11:30

Murat Djioev: We will continue our efforts to achieve other states’ recognition

The visit of delegation from Nicaragua is an extremely important step forward in the process of South Ossetian’s integration into international community, stated the Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Murat Djioev. “I believe it was an important visit – it was an important step forward in the process of South Ossetia’s integration into international community, and in further recognition of our state, it was important for the right of our people for equal participation in international affairs and equal existence under the same sky with other people of the world”.


Thu, 15/04/2010 - 17:16

Statement by the President of RSO Eduard Kokoity on the Helsinki Commission's meeting with President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili

The top leaders of the Helsinki Commission have announced they will pose for pictures with Georgia President Saakashvili in Washington today. Though some may portray this event as “just a photo op” it unfortunately provides credibility for Georgia's leader, who has recently displayed some bizarre and un-statesmanlike behavior, including starting a war with the Republic of South Ossetia; unilaterally sending special forces to Ukraine to serve as observers; ordering children in his country to prepare for war; and sowing panic among his citizenry when he allowed a government-supported television station to broadcast a fake account of a Russian invasion of his country.

Thu, 15/04/2010 - 10:54

South Ossetia and Nicaragua established diplomatic relations

Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia and Republic of Nicaragua, Murat Djioev and Samuel Santos Lopez, signed joint declaration on establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of South Ossetian and Republic of Nicaragua and the Protocol on consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the Republic of South Ossetia and Republic of Nicaragua.
RSO President Eduard Kokoity attended the signing ceremony. He underlined the importance of the signed Declaration.

Thu, 15/04/2010 - 10:52

David Sanakoev: PACE Representatives were informed on the rules regulating the entry into South Ossetia

PACE representatives trying to arrive on the territory of South Ossetia from Georgia were informed on the rules regulating the entry. The Plenipotentiary for Human Rights David Sanakoev told IA RES correspondent about the details of the incident with the representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe at the boundary line between South Ossetia and Georgia.
